زن Woman
هنگاميكه روح در تو دميده ميشود ، در شكم يك زن هستي…..
When your spirit is blown, you’re in the belly of a “Woman”
هنگاميكه گريه مي كني در آغوش يك زن هستي……
crying you are in the arms of a “Woman”When you’re
هنگاميكه عاشق ميشوي در قلب يك زن هستي……
When you’re in love, you are in the heart of a “Woman”
هنگامیکه با مشگلات درگیری متکی به حمایت یک زن هستی
When you are fighting with conflicts you are dependent to the support of a “Woman”
هنگامیکه غرق در شادی موفقیتهائی مرهون کمکهای یک زن هستی
“When you are drowning in the happiness of prosperity you are indebted to the helps of a “Woman
هنگامیکه هوس داشتن جانشین بکنی محتاج همکاری یک زن هستی
When you wish to have a successor you do need the cooperation of a “Woman”
پس بدان و بفهم که:
So know and understand that:
زن ” امانت ” است نه هدفي براي “اهانت”
“Woman” is the trusty of God but not a target for “ insult”
زن جواهر است نه وسیله ای برای دادن لذت به هر ” کثافت”
“Woman” is a piece of jewelry, but not the mean of pleasure to any “dirt
“W O M A N”
Woman was created from the rib of man,
Not from his head to be above him,
Not from his feet to be walked upon,
But from his side to be equal,
Near his arm to be protected
And close to his heart to be loved
“عالم انسانی را دو بال است یک بال رجال )آقایان ) و یک بال نساء( بانوان).
تا دوبال متساوی نگردد مرغ پرواز ننماید.”
For the world of humanity possess two wings: man and woman. If one wing remains incapable and defective, it will restrict the power of the other, and full flight will be impossible. Therefore, the completeness and perfection of the human world are dependent upon the equal development of these two wings.