Baha’is, Moslems, and the Human Society.

One of the tenants of Baha’i faith and belief system is “Serving Humanity”, an honorable idea. Can you serve HUMANITY and NOT be a SERVANT and slave to a for an undefinable, unknown, untouchable, uncommincable, entity that you CANNOT SHOW and PROOVE if it ever exist? Of course there is a REASON for EVEYTHING, the age old argument!  Do you think people must have a Master/Guiding Spiritual MAN, to TELL them what is good or bad, what is right or wrong? Does anyone think that a HUMANS are that stupid and don’t have the capacity to figure out “SERVING HUMANITY” is a right thing to do and is a “GOOD” thing?   So a Rahbar, a Guide, a Holy Spirit, one DIFFERENT form the REST, a Bahaa-ol-Laah or Mohammad is needed to tell them what to do?

Let us assume HUMAN BEINGS are incapable to decide for themselves and are TOTALLY STUPID, they are in desperate need for a Pay-ghambar, Naajy, Rahbar, etc. I am sure there have been a lot of them around in history, each one calming that HE is better than the other one. Look at the human society, and don’t rationalize and blame, pass the buck, and justify, what have Moses, Jesus, Mohamed, Baha-0l-Lall, and countless of other less “SENIOR’ appointees of god have really accomplished through their very lovely to hear teachings? How ethical and moral status of humans has changed? Is human society better off now that we have had all these teachers of goodness and morality? Less killings. Less crime, less suicide, less starvation, less prostitution, less child abuse, less drug use, less stealing , less prisons, less teenage pregnancy, less illiteracy, and lets finish it with LESS VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS?!

What these paper tigers have done to straighten us, if they are that holly and mighty why not many of god’s creatures follow the good stuff and obey the directives?  Even those worshipers with the blind faith commit heinous crime, lie and cheat.  Did one and only one all mighty etc. god created a bunch of vicious and totally immoral mindless animal and called them human?! That is very stupid of HE god!!




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