Concerned Subscriber
Hi, I am neither trying to be rude nor to tell you how to do your job.
I’m simply giving you my thoughts.
I like your emails and I think you are doing a a good job, but you could do better,
I’m getting between 4 to 10 emails a week about certain faith and I don’t think it is right that they use your
Site to promote their agenda.
Don’t get me wrong ,I am not against any religions ,as a matter of fact I am not for any neither.
I think you should be able to choose and post, imagine if you get 10 emails a week about ,let’s say Googoosh.s life style,
After a while you get tired and say enough is enough.
Your concerned subscriber.
Expressing an opinion is neither rude or demanding, in contrary it demonstrates care and wisdom.
1001Harf is created to allow individuals or groups to voice their opinions within the law of the land.
This approach gives right to agree, disagree or debunk the poster’s view or published post.
An advanced online community with little or no censorship.
Our true strength is within intelligent and concerned individuals like yourself.
We thank you and appreciate your input.
ADMIN. I totally agree. Free speech, freedom of expression, say what you like to say, هزار و یک حرف – آنچه میخواهد دل تنگت بگو
This is the sites logo. No need for personal attacks, insults and the like. Discourse, opinions , and discussion is about ISSUES NOT THE PERSON, is about IDEAS, NOT the poster of the idea. As you said any one can agree or disagree with anyone else, just explain WHY–that is having an intelligent conversation over important issues that affects all of us.
“I do not have any tolerance for intolerance” Karl Popper.
Hello again.
They are not expressing their opinion ,they are advocating for their faith.
Like I wrote ,I am not a religious person and some of the best people that I’ve known in
My life were from that group. Maybe I am just tired of the talk about different religions ,
Which some have been using through the history of mankind as an excuse to kill each other.
I respect your input and let’s just agree to disagree and close the book.
Thank You again for your good work.
Yours Truly
Ardeshir, Toronto, canada
Let me also close the book by saying that I do agree with Ardeshir that there is a BIG difference between expressing your opinion or challenging others, debate, a healthy discourse AND ADVOCATING a particular ideology, and RELIGIOUS PROPAGANDA.