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اعتراضات سراسری در ایران: دوشنبه ۴ مهر
برخورد مرد با زنان بی حجاب در ایران در اعتراضات
آرین طاهرزاده 40 ساله و حیدرعلی 36 ساله
موشک بالستیک که در ساعات اولیه روز یکشنبه به اربیل پایتخت کردستان در شمال عراق
Meet Abu Azrael, ‘Iraq’s Rambo’, the most renowned fighter in Iraq
Best Guitar player Amin Toofani at Harvard University |
مرد کانادایی به قتل ۸ نفر از جمله دو ایرانی اعتراف کرد
President Trump’s message to Iranian people
هواپیمای مسافربری تهران یاسوج در سمیرم اصفهان سقوط کرد

هزار و یک حرف – آنچه میخواهد دل تنگت بگو
Mr. Salehi, Goebbles, and Zendeh-Baad Felestin!
Right on Salehi ! Tell it as it is, the brutality and Gestapo like respond to the innocent protestors in Arab countries by their oppressive dictators who have confiscated the power and ability of people to manage and run their own lives!
The compassionate and non-violent black-hooded thugs and Basijis, and their bosses NEVER do such things in IRR; the whole world should learn more, so follow your mentor Joseph Goebbels and bark louder, you are doing just fine.
Read chapter VI and XI of your role model’s book, Mein Kampf, if you have not already read it. He had a Ministry of Public Enlightenment and you have ERSHAAD. He had Fuhrerinzio, and you have the Principle of Velayat Faghih. He created Holocaust, and you are totally denying it to cover his read end—NO, he didn’t do it, Jews killed themselves and made up the whole thing!
Zendeh Baad Andorra, Benin, Djibouti, and of course ZENDEH BAAD FELESTIN. Marg Bar Barbados, Mali, Finland, and Cameron. Naa-Bood Baad all other countries!